Reality is a Bitch

Blog ngga' penting punya orang yg ngga' penting...


'Bout me

Foto saya
Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
:ehm: Nama gw Victor Yulius, biasa dpanggil Victor. Gw tu orgnya biasa aja, sama ky org2 laen di dunia. Gw sekarang lgi du2k d bangku SMP tepatnya kelas 8 di SMP Pl. Domenico Savio. Udah itu aj (:


P o i n t B l a n k

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

Point Blank adalah sebuah permainan komputer ber-genre FPS yang dimainkan secara online. Permainan ini dikembangkan oleh Zepetto dari Korea Selatan dan dipublikasikan oleh NCSoft. Selain di Korea Selatan, permainan ini mempunyai server sendiri di Thailand, Rusia, dan Indonesia. Di Indonesia, permainan ini dikelola oleh PT. Kreon. Point Blank berkisah tentang perseteruan antara Free Rebels dan pemerintah dalam hal ini Counter Terrorist Force(CT-Force). Asal-mula perseteruan ini adalah semakin bertambahnya imigran yang tidak mendapat pekerjaan dan terusir dari masyarakat. Sehingga untuk bertahan hidup, para imigran melakukan berbagai tindakan kriminal, seperti: perampokan hingga perdagangan obat terlarang. Lama-lama kegiatan ini semakin terorganisir hingga membentuk organisasi yang bernama Free Rebels. Akibat konflik dengan imigran semakin meluas, pemerintah membentuk organisasi untuk memantau,mengawasi serta mencari keberadaan teroris yang bernama Free Rebels. Organisasi ini bernama Counter Terrorist Force(CT-Force).

Terbentuknya Free Labels

Semakin bertambahnya imigran yang tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan dan terusir dari masyarakat, sehingga untuk bertahan hidup para imigran kemudian melakukan berbagai macam tindak kriminal dari perampokan hingga pengedaran obat-obatan terlarang. Aksi kriminal ini berkembang menjadi gerakan yang teroganisir hingga terbentuk organisasi yang dinamakan Free Rebels. Tujuannya tidak lain untuk menguasai seluruh perdagangan obat terlarang dan senjata di seluruh dunia serta menciptakan rasa takut bagi masyarakat.

Terbentuknya CT-FORCE

Akibat konflik dengan imigran yang semakin meluas, pemerintah memutuskan dibentuk suatu organisasi khusus untuk menghadapi para teroris.Sejak dibentuknya organisasi ini, mereka mulai mencari informasi dan keberadaan dari organisasi teroris yang dinamakan Free Rebels. Sejalan dengan meningkatnya ancaman teroris tersebut, pemerintah kemudian mengirimkan bantuan pasukan terbaik yang pernah ada di pemerintahan yang kemudian datang dan bergabung serta berganti nama menjadi CT-FORCE (Counter Terrorist Force)

Mode Permainan

  • Death Match
  • Bomb Mission
  • Destroy Mission
  • Eliminate

Senjata yang digunakan

Point   Blank.jpg


.hack//G.U. Major Characters..

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

The first eight characters listed, known as the Infinity 8, retain the same titles as those of the Eight Phases from the original .hack series. Note: The "Infinity 8" can also be known as the "Eight of Epitaph".

  • Haseo, the Terror of Death (ハセヲ Hasewo) (Ryou Misaki) - Adept Rogue: The protagonist of the G.U. franchise and a PKK (Player Killer Killer). He is first shown seeking Azure Kite, who is believed to be the infamous Player Killer Tri-Edge, who sent his friend Shino into a coma. He is depicted as skilled and quick-witted, but prone to lose his temper. He is trained by Kuhn and Pi of the guild Raven to control his Avatar, Skeith. Haseo is Sora from the first version of The World
  • .
  • Atoli, the Mirage of Deceit (アトリ Atori) (Chigusa Kusaka) - Harvest Cleric: Seemingly the female lead of the series. The World is the first net game she has played and she is very friendly and upbeat. She is part of the Moon Tree Guild and idolizes Sakaki. She also appears to be fond of Haseo despite the fact that he only spends time with her because her PC (Player Character) resembles Shino of .hack//Roots. She is a 16-year-old high school student named Kusaka Chigusa in real life. She controls the Avatar, Innis.
  • Kuhn, the Propagation (クーン Kūn) (Tomonari Kasumi) - Steam Gunner: A strong and flirtatious man who wishes for peace in The World. He is a member of "Raven" and part of the project to destroy AIDA. He was once a member of the newbie help guild Canard, and even now, he is admired by Silabus and Gaspard. Kuhn currently lives by himself and is single despite his popularity with girls in The World. He controls the Avatar, Magus. In reality, he is the ex-boyfriend of Mai Minase, one of the heroines of .hack//Liminality, and a former coma victim from the previous version of the World, much like Haseo/Sora.
  • Yata, the Prophet (八咫 Yata) (Takumi Hino) - Macabre Dancer: Formerly Naobi, Guildmaster of TaN, he is now the Guildmaster of Raven. Yata is a System-Administrator and in charge of Project GU, a project meant to use Epitaph-Wielders to destroy AIDA within the game. He was formerly known as Wiseman, a Wave Master who helped Kite during the first four .Hack games. Sakaki takes over GU for a short period of time in vol. 3 which makes him withdraw and ultimately results in his Avatar going berserk. He controls the Avatar, Fidchell.
  • Sakubo, the Machinator (朔望 Sakubō) (Iori Nakanishi) - Shadow Warlock: Supposedly a PC played by two people; Saku, who speaks in Kansai-ben, and Bo; a shy and quiet player. Saku is an alternate personality of Bo (albeit the much more forward of the pair), and is obsessed with Endrance. They control the Avatar, Gorre.
  • Endrance, the Temptress (エンデュランス Endurans) (Kaoru Ichinose) - Blade Brandier: A player with so much skill and power that he's considered superior even by the greatest players in The World. He is the Emperor of the Demon Palace in Lumina Cloth and has numerous fans. However, he's extremely cold and only ever shows emotion towards the cat he has on his shoulder. In real life he is a 20-year-old hikikomori and the former .hacker Elk. In the game he is also an Epitaph User that controls the Avatar, Macha
  • Pi, the Avenger (パイ Pai) (Reiko Saeki) - Tribal Grappler: Previously a member of TaN known as Ender, she encounters Haseo shortly after he's Data-Drained and comments on his strange powers. She is a member of Raven and involved in the project to take down AIDA. She trains Haseo in the game to use his Avatar, and is attacked by AIDA when they reach the end of the dungeon. Haseo then Data Drains her infected Avatar. She's a 24-year-old system engineer named Saeki Reiko in real life, And controls the Avatar, Tarvos.
  • Ovan, the Rebirth (オーヴァン Ōvan) (Masato Indou) - Steam Gunner: The former Guildmaster of the Twilight Brigade (a Guild devoted to finding the Key of the Twilight) and an old friend of Haseo's. He is one of the greatest mysteries of The World and seems to know more than he lets on. His PC's data is apparently as large as that used for an entire game field. This is because of his left arm, kept sealed away, which has an AIDA (in the form of a third arm, named AIDA ) attached to it. It is revealed that he is the person who PKed Shino and leaves the A-like signs around on fields. Has the uncontrollable Avatar, Corbenik.



Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

lama nggak bukak blog~


Eling Bebayaning Marga

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

Eling Bebrayaning Marga

Poma ngger sutaku
Sira wus pamit rama ibu
Nyuwun pangestu,
Ngangsu Kawruh
Kang migunani sliramu pribadi
Ing tembe mburi...
Wektu diwasanira prapta
Uga piguna ing nusa bangsa myang nagara...

Sira tumungkul sadhela
Dakaras kanthi tresna
Tresnane yayah wibi...
Nuli sakedhap ragi ndangak
Mandeng klawan anteng.

Pratandha ngemu rasa
Nyadhong rumentahing donga
Murih widada nirbaya
Ngenti tekkaning ndon
Teka ing wisma tanpa wikara
Dumeling pamelinge yayah rena...
Angger-angger gantilaning ati
Piyaraksana resepna, jroning jiwangganira..
Eling eling, bebayaning marga...
Tan mandheg mangu,
Terusna lakumu....

Dening : Hisyam Z.



Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

heyhey :)

Besok itu hari Rabu, Rabu itu Seni Musik, Seni Musik itu artinya penilaian kelompok...

God Bless Me :)


Mesa'ke ~

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

@Adrianus Vyanth : Nyasar Rak ????

HHA~~ Sa'ke


WahWah :(

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

hey mamen :)

Malem ini gw dilanda sakit gi2 yg ga' ketulungan sakitnya. zZzZzZz. Kta ma2 gw bsok g ush masuk, tpi bsok itu hr trkhir ngumpulin karya tulis...

Moga2 bsok udh enakan... >_<


Stairway to Heaven-Led Zeppelin itu Satanic Song!!

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

Heyhey :)

Tadi wktu d skula, gw ama tmen2 gw lgi ngmongin lagu2 trbaek dunia. Trus pas gw nyletus salah1 lagunya Led Zeppelin yg jdulnya "Stairway to Heaven", dy lngsung bilang klo tuh lagu satanic. Stelah gw denger itu, gw lngsung kget, cz gw biasa ndengerin tuh lagu malem2 klo mw bobo'.

Stlah smpek rumah, gw lngsung browsing lyricnya yg di backward. Dan trnyata bner ada kta2 satanicnya. Gw pun nyari di YouTube~ dan hasilnya sama. Gw ngeri pula wktu ngedengerin tuh lagu..

Neh lirik aslinya, mamen!

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven

When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
And she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a sign on the wall
But she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have
Two meanings

In a tree by the brook
There's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are

Ooh, it makes me wonder

Ooh, it makes me wonder

There's a feeling I get
When I look to the west
And my spirit is crying
For leaving

In my thoughts I have seen
Rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those
Who stand looking

Ooh, it makes me wonder

Ooh, it really makes me wonder

And it's whispered that soon
If we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason

And a new day will dawn
For those who stand long
And the forests will
Echo with laughter

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, ooh, whoa, oh

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean
For the May queen

Yes, there are two paths you can go by
But in the long run
There's still time to change
The road you're on

And it makes me wonder

Aw, uh, oh

Your head is humming and it won't go
In case you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him

Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow?
And did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?


And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The truth will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

And she's buying a stairway
To heaven...

Nah~ neh sepenggal lirik yg ad kta2 satanicnya..

Well, you have certainly caused a stir here. It seems that everybody is flocking to your site. Nice work. I must tell you, though, you have it wrong. Here are the lyrics to the part that you have on your site:

So here's to my Sweet Satan.
The other's little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is faith.
He'll give those with him 666.
And all the evil fools,
they know he made
us suffer sadly.

I have discovered that the ENTIRE Stairway To Heaven is a full and COMPLETE backwards message. EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable.

Wuezzee~ gila kan, lagu enak ky gtu ad setan2 nya??

nb : Thx bwt Kevin Karunia Yusuf yg udh ngsih tw~


Donna Donna~

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

Lagu 'Donna Donna' dianggap sebagai karya tradisional
atau folksong, mewakili sebuah budaya atau kejadian lokal.
Namun gak juga lantas dianggap sbg karya anonim, karena
beberapa lagu bersifat tradisionil bisa mencantumkan nama
komposer atau penggubah lirik. Contoh folksong yg disebut
anonim adalah lagu 'The House of Rising Sun' yang konon
awalnya dipopularkan kelompok The Animal (Eric Burdon).
Dan pada data lagunya tertulis ‘tradisional’ atau ‘no name’.

: How the winds are laughing
: They laugh with all their might
: Laugh and laugh the whole day through
: And half the summer's night

Sementara lagu ‘Donna Donna’ diyakini berasal dari budaya
Yahudi, untuk musiknya berjudul ‘Dana’ dan berupa lirik yg
dinyanyikan berjudul ‘Dana Dana’. Nada berikut lirik lagu ini
diperkirakan mulai popular di kalangan Yahudi saat penguasa
Hitler (konon sebetulnya berdarah Yahudi pula) melancarkan
genocide secara sistematis bertema pemurnian ras unggul.

Istilah ’Dana’ bisa bermakna banyak, antara lain adalah salah
satu nama favorit bagi kaum wanita Yahudi. Sementara pada
budaya Turki berarti ’sapi’ (binatang) yang bisa berarti subur
dan menghasilkan kebaikan. Sementara bagi Yahudi perantau
terutama di Eropah Tengah seperti di Jerman serta Polandia,
‘dana dana’ merupakan senandung atau nada berguman.

: Donna donna donna donna
: Donna donna donna do ..
: Donna donna donna donna
: Donna donna donna do ..

Lirik lagu ini menggunakan perlambang ’sapi’ (a calf) sebagai
tokoh utama yakni simbol kaum yahudi yang teraniaya. Serta
simbol antagonisnya ‘the farmer’ untuk menggambarkan Nazi.
Kemudian burung layang-layang (swallow) juga angin (wind),
mewakili keinginan untuk bebas sekaligus menolak dijajah.

Interpretasi teks ini adalah dari versi lirik berbahasa Inggris,
yang dipopularkan pertama kali sebagai lagu oleh pendekar
berambut legam panjang dengan wajah tirus kurus berdarah
Meksiko, Joan Baez. Wanita yang berjuang dengan gitarnya
lewat lirik Kumbaya (jadi satu lagu gereja di Indonesia), Biko
(nama pejuang apertheid yang dinyanyikan si Peter Gabriel),
We Shall Overcome untuk Martin Luther King, serta balada
Donna Donna yang disenandungkannya awal tahun 1960.

: Stop complaining, said the farmer
: Who told you a calf to be?
: Why don't you have wings to fly with
: Like the swallow so proud and free

Joan Baez dianggap pendekar awal bagi sebutan 'folk rock',
yakni penyanyi balada dengan gitar akustik sederhana tapi
mengumandangkan lirik lantang sehingga disebut 'rockers'.
Pergaulannya luas, satu panggung dengan jagoan folk lain
yakni Donovan. Bersahabat karib dengan Janis Joplin, juga
memperkenalkan pemuda lusuh bersuara berantakan plus
tampangnya ajaib namun disebut jenius. Brondong Yahudi
bernama Robert Allen Zimmerman itu diajak konser bareng,
kelak malah lebih terkenal dan penting ketimbang si Baez.
Nama Iwan Fals bisa eksist karena sosok si Yahudi inilah.

Sementara ’Donna Donna’ versi Baez merupakan konteks
yang dapat mewakili isu anti rasial (freedom) hingga protes
terhadap perang (isu Vietnam) melalui ‘make love, not war’.
Lagu yang amat popular dan sering dinyanyikan di kelas2
sekolah bahkan diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Jepang, tapi
terlarang di Korea Selatan dengan tuduhan ’lagu komunis’.
Ketika muncul di film ‘Gie’, juga salah satu lagu favoritnya,
boleh mewakili sikap Soe Hok Gie yang pernah menulis :

”Saya mimpi tentang sebuah dunia, di mana ulama, buruh,
dan pemuda bangkit dan berkata; Stop semua kemunafikan,
stop semua pembunuhan atas nama apa pun. Tak ada rasa
benci pada siapapun, agama apapun, dan bangsa apapun.
Dan melupakan perang dan kebencian, dan hanya sibuk
dengan pembangunan dunia yang lebih baik!”.

: Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
: Never knowing the reason why
: But whoever treasures freedom
: Like the swallow has learned to fly

Donna Donna Lyric

On a wagon, bound for market
There's a calf with mournful eye
High above him there's a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky

How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna
Donna, Donna, Donna-dai
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna
Donna, Donna, Donna-dai

Stop complaining, said the farmer
Who told you a calf to be
Why don't you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free

Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why
But however, treasure freedom
Like the swallow who learned to fly


Demokrasi !!

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.


Berasal dari kata : Demos = Rakyat
Cratein = Pemerintahan

Demokrasi : RAKYAT YG ME"RINTAH~Kedaulatan tertinggi ad d tngan Rakyat.

Prinsip dasar Demokrasi:
1. Pemerintahan dijalankan berdasar sist. konstitusi/hak dasar
2. Adanya jaminan terhadap HAM~UUD '45
3. Adanya PEMILU yg LUBER dan JURDIL
4. Adanya kebebasan berpendapat
5. Adanya kebebasan Pers

1. Dari cara penyampaian:
a. Langsung
-Rakyat dilibatkan Langsung dalam pemb. peraturan
-Diadakan pada saat zaman Yunani Kuno
b. Tidak Langsung
-Rakyat tidak dilibatkan secara langsung
-Rakyat diwakilkan lembaga" (MPR, DPR, DPRD)
-Diadakan di negara kita, Indonesia

2. Dari hubungan antar kelengkapan negara:
a. Parlementer
-Mentri bertanggung jawab pada parlemen
b. Presidensil
-Mentri" diangkat dan diberhentikan Presiden

Pada awalnya, penerapan Demokrasi hanya pada bid. politik 'n pemerintahan

Pemerintahan: Pergantian kekuasaan

Diterapkan ~> ekonomi : Pasal 33 UUD '45
sosbud : Pendidikan
hukum : Kasus Prita
hidup sehari" : peristiwa demokrasi dlm. berumah tangga


*Lembaga Demokrasi
Nilai Demokrasi

a. Lembaga Demokrasi
-Pemerintah pusat : Presiden dgn. aparatur~KaPolRI, mentri"
Pemerintah daerah : KepDa dgn. aparatur

- Lbg. Perwakilan Rakyat : DPR, DPD, DPRD, MPR ~> lwt PEMILU

- ParPol : PDI, Demokrat, PDS, PAN

- Badan Peradilan : Di bawah kekuasaan MA (bersifat Yudikatif)

- Pers/ Media masa



Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.


Hari ini ksabaran gw bner2 d tes ama "tmen" gw. Gila tuh orang, banci bgt cm brni d blakang gw aj. Liat aja besok, klo dy msih nyolot ky biasa, rawr~

HeyHey:( F*CK u MaMen !!



Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.


Gw cma mw ngmong.. have a nice dream :)


Home-Michael Buble

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

Wah2 ... ni lagu yg bkal gw nyanyiin bwt pnilaian bhs. inggris~

Another summer day
Is come and gone away
Em D
In Paris and Rome
C Cadd9
But I wanna go home

Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Em D
Still feel all alone
C Cadd9
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters
That I wrote to you
Asus4 A
Each one a line or two
"I'm fine baby, how are you?"
Well I would send them
But I know that it's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
D Dsus D
And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
Em D
I'm lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I've got to go home

G D/F# Em Em7
Let me go hoooooooome
C Em
I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

BREAK: G D/F# Em D Cadd9 D G

And I feel just like I'm living
Someone else's life
Asus4 A
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
But this was not your dream
D Dsus D
But you always believed in me

Another winter day has come
And gone away
Em D
And even Paris and Rome
C Cadd9
And I wanna go home
Let me go home

And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
C Cadd9
Oh, let go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

G D/F# Em Em7
Let me go hoooooooome
I've had my run Baby, I'm done
I gotta go home
G D/F# Em Em7
Let me go hoooooooome
It will alright
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home


Temen saya abis ilang..

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

Kmaren, tmen gw yg namanya Arvian abis ilang entah kmana.. Pas dkasih tw tmen gw sih ptamanya gw ga'pcaya.. tapi tiba2 maminya tmen gw yg ilang itu nelpon gw.. ktnya sih tmen gw blom plng2 ampe malem... hwhwhwh.. yg prtma gw pikirin tuh gw ma tmen2 gw ngrayain ilangnya tmen gw... pake tumpeng jg... eh besoknya dy dateng k skul... g jadi deh syukuranya...


Misa Rabu Abu dan Futsal

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

heyhey :)

Untuk sekedar info, ne hari ke-3 gw pnya blog, congrats!! T_T

Besok itu hari Rabu, tgl 17 feb '10, dan itu artinya ad misa Rabu Abu. Denger kata misa aj udh males, ap lgi dtambah Rabu 'n Abu, grrrr... Tapi untungnya ga' ad KBM abis misa. Rencananya sih gw mw maen futsal ma tmen2 gw habis misa, tpi ma2 brkata lain.. gw g dbolehin maen hnya karena dsuruh pantang maen ma tmen2 apalagi kluar rumah..

Jika se2orang tman saya yang mempunyai nama R. Adrianus O.P. merasa membaca pesan ini.. brarti saya ga' ikut futsalan bsok...


curhat :(

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

dear diary,

Hari ini rncananya gw mw nembak seseorang, tpi gw tkut klo dy jwb "engga".
Kta tmen gw sih tmbak aj, kburu diembat orang, tpi entar2 aj deeh..

love u so much <3 <3


Bahan2 bwt kaya tulis

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

Kartul Oh Kartul..

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.

Saya dedikasikan untuk teman saya, V**N


Intro ~

Author: We did not find results for: VictoResek.


Nama gw Victor, ini blog prtama gw, so gw msih newbie.